Sustainable City models - Crossed perspectives between Europe and China
Jeudi 13 juin
9h - 15h - École des GobelinsOn the occasion of Futur.e.s festival and in the framework of URBAN EU-CHINA project (Horizon 2020), Cap Digital invites European and Chinese stakeholders, public representatives and experts to debate on the future of sustainable cities.
We will invite the audience to discuss common issues: are there such things as models of sustainable cities in Europe and China? What are their differences, their similarities? What is important to know in terms of technology transfer, Intellectual property rights, public procurement? What are common standards to rely on? Which are the specifics tools and funding to support sustainable and urban innovation?
Interested to know more about sustainable innovation in smart cities in Europe and China? Join us on the 13th of June (room 318, 3d floor) to know more about these essential topics!
[9:00-9:30] Welcoming coffee
[09:30-09:50] Opening
Annemie Wyckmans, URBAN EU-China project coordinator Zhenshan
Zhenshan Zhang, Office Director, UN-Habitat China
[09:50-10:30] Roundtable on Sustainable Cities’ models
Nikolaos Kontinakis, Senior Project Coordinator, Eurocities
Cristina Garcez, Director of Urban Strategy, French Scientific and Technical Centre for Building (CSTB)
[10:30-11:00] Knowledge and technology transfer between Europe and China in the field of sustainable urban innovation
By Jim Stoopman, Project Manager, China IPR Helpdesk
[11:15-11:45] Common standards towards sustainable cities
Alessandro Polito, International Policy Officer, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
[11:45-12:15] Tools and processes to lead urban innovation projects
Ao Xiang, China Intelligent Urbanization Co-creation Center for High Density Region (CIUC)
Shantong Li, Expert of the policy making on urbanization in China, Development Research of the State Council of China
[12:30-12:45] Closing by Cap Digital
[12:45-13:45] Networking Buffet
[13:45-15:00] Guided tour of Futur.e.s Festival: Departure from Ecole des Gobelins to the Manufacture des Gobelins for a 1h-guided tour of Futur.e.s Festival and demos in the field of Sustainable City (Limited access to 20 people – Foreign attendees only)
Thématique : Villes durables
Annemie Wyckmans
Annemie Wyckmans is the project coordinator of Urban EU-CHINA project (Horizon 2020). Currently, she is a professor and the leader of Smart Sustainable Cities at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Design. Her main goal is to promote smart sustainable cities, through research, innovation and education. She also leads several cooperation projects with public and private sector in Norway, EU and China (EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities, SiNoPSE and PI-SEC).
Zhenshan Zhang
,Zhenshan Zhang is the office director of the UN-Habitat Programme for China since 2010. He is engaged in the urban development and management, and international exchange. He has a rich experience in Green and Sustainable Urban Development, Cities for Climate Change, Water and Sanitation, and Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation.
,Nikolaos Kontinakis is a Senior Project Coordinator in Eurocities, the largest cities’ network in Europe. In the organization, he is in charge of several smart cities’ projects: Urban EU-China, GuiDanCe, Green Digital Charter and
Marianne Malez
,Marianne Malez is the Projects Officer in charge of international, energy and sustainable city subjects in the French organization National Federation of Urban Agencies (NFUA).
Cristina Garcez
,Cristina Garcez is the Director of Urban Strategy for the French Scientific and Technical Centre for Building (CSTB). She is also an urban-architect, involved in sustainable development activities for the French government and has been the leader of 5 cooperative urban projects with China.
Jim Stoopman is a Project Manager for the China IPR SME Helpdesk in Brussels, in the framework of Development Solutions Consultancy activities. He has a large experience in the field of International Relations and Asian studies with a specification on Chinese politics.
Aurore Cambien
,Aurore Cambien is a Project Manager on Sustainable cities in the Centre for studies and expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Urban and Country Planning (CEREMA) since 2017. She is specialized in the field of sustainable spatial development for local authorities, eco-building districts studies and urban planification at an international level.
Alessandro Polito
,Alessandro Polito is an International Police Officer in the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW) working in the field of Access to Procurement Markets (Unit G2) with a focus on the Chinese market access.
Ao Xiang
Ao Xiang is a researcher in the China Intelligent Urbanization Co-creation Center for High Density Region (CIUC). His expertise includes urban data analytics, urban planification in large cities and several projects of collaboration between European and Chinese cities.