Digital, Culture and City : conversation with Touria Meliani, Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam
Vendredi 14 juin
17h - 17h15 - Mobilier national - Galerie des GobelinsDuring half an hour, the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam will share with the audience the policies of the City of Amsterdam on digitalization which go beyond the concept of Smart Cities and facilitating innovation. Amsterdam has set a clear priority, which is protecting the digital rights of its citizens and exploring all the opportunities offered by new technology and innovation, including the cultural sector in Amsterdam. For instance : engaging new audiences, driving business models; creating art, content and access to collections. In this context, artists, creatives and scientists work hard to raise public awareness of ethical issues surrounding technology. Together with them, Amsterdam wants to research the opportunities and problems that emerge as a result of digitisation.
Écoutez cette conférence en Podcast :
Thématique : Open cultures
Touria Meliani
Touria Meliani has more than 12 years of experience in the Dutch and Amsterdam cultural sector, including stewarding the development and directing one of Amsterdam’s premier cultural centres, the Tolhuistuin. In the past, she was also active in various civil society roles – including the ieder1 foundation and memberships of selection committees at the Dutch Fund for Performance Arts and the Dutch Fund for Creative Industries. Her portfolio includes Arts and Culture, Heritage, Local Media, Digital Affairs and City Real Estate.
Avant de rejoindre le CNNUM, Philippine était chargée de promouvoir les échanges dans le domaine du numérique entre la France et l'Allemagne, au sein de l'Ambassade de France en Allemagne. Elle a notamment suivi les négociations franco-allemandes en matière d'intelligence artificielle, et travaillé à rapprocher les écosystèmes français et allemands, notamment dans l'industrie du futur. Elle a, auparavant travaillé en tant que chargée de veille et chargée de mission "Genre et numérique" pour le pôle de compétitivité francilien Cap Digital.